Buying home is an important decision which considers various factors. Every property buyers looks towards reliable property rating that consider all aspects as an integrated approach while analysing. Such third party unbiased rating is important not only for Home Buyers but for brokers too. It becomes even more important for online buyers who promise quality content regarding property to home seekers.
We have conceptualized and successfully executed the integrated approach of rating projects on various parameters as mentioned below.
Rating System
Property is evaluated in different categories which are aggregated at overall level for giving broader level picture. There are two components of rating:
- Star Rating: out of 5 for each category indicates how well it performs in related category
- Confidence Level: Typically construction is time long journey so all our ratings comes with confidence with which we rate the projects in category
Standard checklist is developed for each category to measure the star rating and confidence level to make rating system independent of subjective observation.
Rating Category
We feel home buyers are interested in assessing project on following parameters:
Quality of Construction
Quality score is determined by inspection of your property on 50+ parameters over 10 different Category. This score let you know type and condition of different products & services installed in your property.
Amenities of Projects
Amenities score is determined by facilities provided by builder Inside the society in 6 category
Performance of Builder
Builder score is determined by past Projects of Builder, Brand Value in Market,Previous commitments and delay analysis.
Infrastructure in Locality
Infrastructure rating is determined by availability of School, Hospital, Mall, District Center, Colleges, Police Chowki & other important facility as per Km from society.
Available Commuting
Commuting score is determined by distance from Public Transport distance and quality of Infrastructure for Commute
If you are looking to purchase any property or recommending any property to your relatives/customers and seeking third party rating, feel free to connect with team e-Ghar for opinion